Does it matter which slot you put ram in

How to upgrade Synology DS1815+ to 16GB RAM - Mike Tabor How to upgrade the Synology DS1815+ (and DS1515+) from 2GB to 16GB RAM. Step by step and with memory that works! Test RAM With Memtest86+ | Sysnative Forums

Unusual access | DSLReports, ISP Information Forum discussion: In my new Asus Z97-A MB it says in the manual that if you have only 2 sticks of ram then place them in slots 2 & 4 instead of 1 & 2. I found that odd because I was always under ... How do I know which way my RAM chips should be facing when ... How do I know which way my RAM chips should be facing when I click them in? ... I don't remember which way the one's I took out were facing and it seems I can click these in either way. Does it matter which way they are facing when I put them in? ... (you can see it on the photo below) but slightly offset that matches the slot on the ... does it mattter which slot my memory ram goes in? | Yahoo ... Then it doesn't matter which RAM goes in which slot. If your computer can only take one gig of RAM, then you'll need to take the gig stick back and buy two 512s. Then, obviously, you'll have to remove the already-installed 256 stick, put a 512 in each slot, and then your computer will have a gig.

Jul 29, 2006 · Best Answer: This can be answered by reading the manual for the motherboard. That said, NO, it doesnt matter where you install the RAM as long as the motherboard manual says no. I have inserted 1 stick of RAM in all of my motherboards 4 slots and the computer booted fine EVERY time.

How to Upgrade the RAM (Memory) on a Laptop Here is a step-by-step tutorial (with photos) on how to find the correct RAM upgrade for your laptop and how to physically install the memory. Does it matter which PCI-E x16 slot I install my card into ... Re: Does it matter which PCI-E x16 slot I install my card into? 2014/03/12 15:50:33 What this means it that the first slot is the one listed, so it is x16. Then each slot after depending on the SLI or crossfire configuration. I want to upgrade RAM on my old desktop. If max RAM is 1GB ... It doesnt matter if you use 2 or 1 sticks of RAM because if it doesnt support dual channel there will be no performance gain or loss. But since you already have a 256mb I would keep that and put in another 512mb if you want to save some money.

How to install RAM | Rock Paper Shotgun

Hi, I got a new computer with a Asrock z97 Anniversary mobo, I put my RAM in slots A2 and B2, does it matter? Will it have any performance decreases or problems if I use these slots instead of A1 and B1. Does Your RAM Slot Matter? - YouTube Today we answer the question, does which ram slots you use matter in modern systems in games Grab some ram here: Grab the z270 baord ...

Nov 17, 2015 · Helpful answers. These computers will not start up if only a single DIMM is installed in any bottom slot; these computers should operate normally with a single DIMM installed in any top slot. Core Duo iMac computers should operate normally with a single DIMM installed in any slot, top or bottom.

also the slot doesn't matter as long the two ram sticks are put in the same colour slots ... Does it matter which chip I put in slot 1? Both are different sizes. Does it matter which slots I put my ram (4GBx2) in? | Tom ... I have a ASUS Sabertooth Z97 Mark 2 and the instructions recommend that the ram should be inserted into the grey slots, but I already put them in the black... Does Your RAM Slot Matter? - YouTube

4+4 gb or 4+8gb RAM? - Internal Hardware

Do I need to put the new stick in slot ... You are posting a reply to: Does it matter which memory slot I use when installing ram? ... Does it matter which memory ... Installing RAM (Memory) in Your Computer Nothing feels quite as bad as destroying a perfectly good stick of RAM. You can learn more about ... then it usually doesn't matter which modules go into which slots. What Does the RAM Slot Color Coding on Motherboards Mean? ... you’ll find the RAM slots on motherboards in all sorts of color ... What Does the RAM Slot Color Coding on Motherboards Mean? ... I just put the 2 RAM in, ... Which Slot to Put RAM In | NotebookReview Which Slot to Put RAM In. ... put the biggest RAM in slot 1 rtr, you could have just ordered 4gb ram even if your ... To OP I think we all agree it does not matter, ...

The Answer. With equal amounts of memory in both slots, memory can be interleaved so that successive chunks of memory alternate slots. That way, memory access gets distributed to both slots almost perfectly evenly, allowing their bandwidth to combine. With uneven amounts, memory cannot be interleaved and has to be mapped first to one stick...